Tarjeta postal de 140 x 90 mm (foto postal) en blanco y negro con borde dentado y margen blanco coloreada a mano que enmarca una fotografía de la Iglesia Mayor de Medina Sidonia, donde se aprecia una de sus fachadas, la torre del campanario y la Torre de Dª Blanca (a la derecha). En esa torre cuenta la tradición que murió Dª Blanca de Borbón, la mujer del rey Pedro I "El cruel" mandada asesinar por su propio marido.
La imagen está descentrada respecto al borde, se debió a la posición del marginador en el proceso de revelado, como hemos dicho se trata de una fotopostal por lo que la edición fue realizada una a una en el laboratorio fotográfico.
En el reverso, dividido en dos zonas, están las siguientes leyendas: "10.- MEDINA SIDONIA. Parroquia de Santa María La Coronada con sus antiguas murallas" Luego se repite en francés e inglés. La otra leyenda está en la zona de enmedio separando la parte dedicada a la dirección del texto: "EDICIONES ARRIBAS - ZARAGOZA. Prohibida la reproducción"
Cita a la torre de Dª Blanca como antiguas murallas, no siendo así como anteriormente se ha explicado.
La postal no está circulada ni escrita.
Google translation:
Postcard 140 x 90 mm (picture mail) black and white with serrated edge and hand-colored white border that frames a picture of the Greater Church of Medina Sidonia, which reveals one of its walls, bell tower and Ms. Blanca tower (right). In this tower tradition tells that Mrs. Blanca died of Bourbon, wife of King Pedro I "The Cruel" sent to kill her husband.
The image is off center from the edge was due to the position of the marginalized in the development process, as we have said is a fotopostal so the editing was done one by one in the photo lab.
On the back, divided into two areas are the following statements: "10 .- Medina Sidonia. Parish of St. Mary the Crowned with its ancient walls" is then repeated in French and English. The other legend is in the middle zone separating the section on text direction "Ediciones ARRIBAS - ZARAGOZA. Prohibited reproduction"
Quote of the tower of Ms. Blanca and old walls, but were not as previously explained.
The postcard is not written and circulated.
The image is off center from the edge was due to the position of the marginalized in the development process, as we have said is a fotopostal so the editing was done one by one in the photo lab.
On the back, divided into two areas are the following statements: "10 .- Medina Sidonia. Parish of St. Mary the Crowned with its ancient walls" is then repeated in French and English. The other legend is in the middle zone separating the section on text direction "Ediciones ARRIBAS - ZARAGOZA. Prohibited reproduction"
Quote of the tower of Ms. Blanca and old walls, but were not as previously explained.
The postcard is not written and circulated.